My coding journey from trader to web3 developer

6 min readAug 29, 2023


gm gm!! everybody. I still remember exact date on march 24, 2021, Elon Musk tweeted that he is accepting bitcoin as payment method to buy Tesla car’s.

Unfortunately, he withdrew the bitcoin payments method because

Anyways, hate him or like him but can’t ignore him. He is the real manipulator of crypto market, if you have seen his tweets about doge-coin and doge was on moon, mars and don’t know where did he sent that doge-coin on his tweets. During that time, I don’t know how much of you guys bought doge, but I was doing research on how to buy bitcoin or doge-coin.

I think you also experienced this phase, I searched on google which is the best exchange to buy cryptocurrencies, I got recommended exchanges like coinbase, binance, coinswitch, some others. Coinbase was not available in India that time, so I used binance, which is one of the best centralized exchange.

Yeah, I read a lot about blockchain, bitcoin history, dollar devaluation, cyberpunk movement, ethereum, smart contracts, defi, nft hype etc.

Fast forwarding, as a trader I was interested in defi, I was very active on twitter because I was hearing new words from blockchain or crypto space like perpetuals, derivatives, yield farming, dex, swapping, LP, AMM, much more…

One thing I heard about word arbitrage, someone tweeted `developers are real traders` on twitter along with arbitrage transaction using flash loan, sorry I don’t know whose tweet was that.

That inspired me to become blockchain developer. But I was still not started yet because I seen the road map to become developer, it was like why these guys are alive till now! I mean seriously why developers are alive!

keeping jokes apart, If you know nothing about coding, in the beginning you feel if you talk to developers about their journey, how hard it was and they’ll tell you their journey to become blockchain developers. It inspires me to become blockchain developer, But I was not started yet.

First time I heard the word called MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) from twitter. I was mind blown by seeing the transaction. As you can see $476 to $120,000. I was like wtf is happening in this crypto world. I decided to become blockchain developer. We will talk more about MEV in upcoming articles.

I took data structures and algorithms course on udemy which was in c/c++, I started on August or Sept 2022. Understood about data structures and I have written article in Medium. I got 7 followers on medium, anyways now I regret that why I left writing? no worries, From now onwards I will be consistent that I’ll keep writing one article weekly about solana development.

Coming back to story, I completed DSA on October. After completing DSA, I started solving problems on leetcode, geeksforgeeks, codingninjas etc. I think I have solved around 70 questions but that doesn’t matter in crypto! Yes, you heard it right! DSA doesn’t matters.

Luna crash, FTX was collapsed was nightmare in crypto space & I don’t wanna talk much about that.

On Jan 2023, I remember everyone takes new year resolution. Lol, only few people will follow and I was one of them. I started learning Rust Language not Rust Game, while I was reading the rust book, I used to say that rust is complex low-level language and weird syntax, and developers ranked rust as most loved language for 7 years.

while I was learning rust, I thought developers are stupid, because if you ask anyone about rust learning curve everyone will tell you how hard it is! But rust solves the three essential problems, they are high performance, safety, and memory management. Means fast, secure, automatic memory de-allocation.

Later I understood that developers are not stupid, because memory management is should be automatic because manually managing memory is stupid. Developers are human beings they make mistake, there will be memory leak if its not de-allocated. Rust manages memory by ownership borrowing reference model.

Yes, It took me to 3 months to learn rust. I understood the language concepts like ownership, borrowing, references, lifetimes, generics, traits, and some of the complex topics too like concurrency, pointers and different types of pointers like (Box, Rc, RfCell) and closures, macros etc…

I should learn more about macro’s because in that book they didn’t covered about procedural macro’s much. Funny part I was not knowing solidity, lol. Then I started writing programs (in solana, smart contracts are called programs), first thing is that I started with anchor basic programs like counter, voting etc., You may understand the basic’s programs in anchor. But I writing complex contracts it was not making sense to me.

Yes, that was my mistake, so I started writing the programs in native rust and I highly recommend you to go first with native rust and then you can rewrite the code in anchor. Because you have to understand the structure of writing programs in native rust, like entrypoint, instructions, states, processor, errors. Using this approach you will understand the details like serialization and de-serialization, program state management, business logics in processor. Once you understand these things, you are good to go with anchor.

Most of the time I used to get frustrated because rust is like that only, sometimes I feels like giving up, during that time I used to take break for 2–3 days and start again. I don’t say it as giving up, I can say like taking break, sometimes brain needs rest. In between I learned typescript too, for testing the program, especially in anchor testing and client interaction we need typescript otherwise if you are interested in rust client then checkout solana crates rust sdk. Its been like 8+ months on I have been learning + building on solana.

The motive of writing this article was, as I started my journey from trading to becoming a web3 developer, I faced many challenges and learned a lot. These experiences transformed me into the developer, I am today. And along the way, I felt a strong desire to share what I learned with everyone.

From being a trader in the unpredictable markets to tinkering with the details of blockchain and Solana, I discovered things that even confused me at first. I realized that many other people must be facing similar challenges in development.

I want my upcoming articles to be like a guide for others who are just starting out. I’ve learned lessons, and overcome hurdles that can help others on their journey. But it’s not just about explaining the technical stuff. In the world of DeFi, working together and sharing knowledge is really important. If you are interested then dm me on discord or twitter, my username is @isamyakt

Going from a trader to a web3 developer isn’t something I did alone. It’s like everyone has their own journey, and I want to wish all the best for them.

That’s why I’m writing these articles — to share, to inspire, and to help the blockchain developers. I invite you to join me on this adventure. Let’s explore blockchain, dive into the exciting world of DeFi, and learn and grow together, step by step.




I am coder. I read a lot of stuff, so I decided to write a lot of stuff